The Honest Movement - Trusting Pixels
How retouching changes our perception of beauty

The Honest Movement


We’re back!

We haven’t blogged for a bit but we’ve been hard at work with our first online campaign: The Honest Movement.

The Honest Movement is a campaign that will put a spotlight on people who believe in our message of no retouching. Though our mission at Trusting Pixels is to target retouching on a grand scale focusing on celebrities, brands, and influencers, with The Honest Movement we are focusing on the consumers and fans of these brands and celebrities. The people photographed in The Honest Movement are participating because they want to support a company dedicated to bringing more honesty in today’s media driven world by reducing retouching in advertisements.  

Some of the campaign photos have been released via our Facebook page and Instagram account.

The Honest Movement focuses on the voices demanding honesty in advertising. So, we’re giving the opportunity to anyone, regardless of their skin color, body type, or industry, the chance get their photo taken without any retouch enhancements (in accordance to our regulations). With these photos, people are letting their real and authentic selves be the voice in The Honest Movement by supporting a new honest advertising standard driven by Trusting Pixels. By taking unretouched portraits of people with a quote expressing their thoughts, we are spreading their message of what retouching means to them. With this campaign, we aim to amplify the people that want a say in this important social issue and create a new standard that puts the very same beauty we see in our real/unphotoshopped world back into advertising.

The photos we’ve taken, and stories we’ve heard are so important to the overall message of Trusting Pixels and are propelling us to move forward.

With The Honest Movement, we want to photograph more people and hear more voices, to let brands and celebrities know what the public wants to see. Anyone is invited to take a stand against retouching and participate in our campaign, just subscribe to our mailing list to find out when our next shoot will be. In the meantime please show your support and follow us on Facebook page and Instagram.

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